Net worth is the common term used to describe the value of a company. It is a measurement that helps to understand how profitable a particular business has been since its formation.
In this article, we cover what is the net worth of a company, how to calculate it, and its importance.
Net Worth of a Company
The net worth of a company is the total value of all its assets minus liabilities. The net worth calculation is simple math and will give you a tangible view of exactly how much your business is really worth.
How to Calculate Net Worth of a Company ?
Net worth can be calculated by subtracting its liabilities from the total assets it owns. In other words, net worth = assets – liabilities
The formula for calculating net worth is:
Net Worth = Total Assets – Total Liabilities
Net worth is the difference between a company’s assets and its liabilities. It may also be referred to as “shareholders’ equity.” You can quickly calculate net worth by subtracting total liabilities from total assets.
Net Worth = Assets – Liabilities
The formula is deceptively simple, but the devil is in the details. To calculate a company’s net worth, you have to be able to ascertain both the value of its assets and the size of its debts.
Assessing Assets
A company’s assets are what it owns. That includes cash and cash equivalents, investments, receivables, inventory, and fixed assets such as buildings and equipment. A company can also have intangible assets such as patents and trademarks. With some exceptions, companies report their assets at their book value on balance sheets rather than their market value. Book value may not reflect market value if an asset’s book value has been written up or down because of an impairment charge or other accounting adjustment.
Accounting for Liabilities: Debt and Equity
A liability is a money owed by a business to another party. Incorporate finance, liabilities are typically classified as either debt or equity. Debt consists of short-term obligations such as short-term loans or accounts payable (money owed to suppliers).
Net Worth Calculation of a Company: Example

Example: Suppose that a company has total assets of $500,000 and it has liabilities worth $400,000, then the net worth of the company can be computed as follows:
Net Worth = 500,00 – 400,000
Net Worth = 100,00
The net worth value serves as an indicator for investors to analyze how much is the net worth of a company. The higher net worth indicates better financial strength, higher creditworthiness, and overall good financial performance.
How to Calculate Net Worth Using Balance Sheet Method?
To calculate the net worth using the balance sheet method, you will have to subtract the total liabilities from the total assets.
Here are the steps for calculating net worth using the balance sheet method:
Add up all assets (things of value that are owned by the business) such as cash, accounts receivable, inventory, investments, property, etc. Then subtract all liabilities (debts) such as accounts payable, notes payable, wages payable, interest payable, income taxes payable, etc. The result will be the equity of the company or the net worth of a company.
Advantages of Calculating a Company’s Net Worth
Calculating net worth can be beneficial in several ways. First, it’s a useful tool for investors who want to get an idea of how much capital the company has available to generate profits and pay dividends.
For instance, if a company has $100 million in assets and $80 million in liabilities, its net worth is $20 million. If that same company’s stock is trading at $10 per share, then the price-to-book ratio (P/B) would be 0.5 ($10 / $20).

In addition to working with other companies, investors also look at a net worth as it is one of the best ways to analyze the value and profitability of a company. If a company has a high net worth, it usually means that they are doing well for itself and will likely continue to do well in the future.
Difference Between Net Worth of a Company and Market Value
Although the terms net worth and market value are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between net worth and market value.
Net worth represents a snapshot of a business’s financial position at one point in time. Market value reflects the amount that investors believe your company is worth at any given point in time (which may be influenced by the current market conditions or other factors).
The difference between market value (or capitalization) and net worth, is that the former refers to the current value of the company and the latter refers to the total assets of a company minus its liabilities.